Category: Entertainment
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Description: Stop what you’re doing and turn up the volume to this instant REFIT® classic! After circulating through playlists for years, “Showstopper” is finally making its debut on YouTube — giving you access to chart-topping energy anytime YOU want! The moves are bold, the beat is strong, and you’ll feel like the ultimate powerhouse in less than 3 minutes. FIT TIP: The upper and lower body muscles may look like they're getting all the action — but it’s all being controlled and driven by the core. Keep the arms and steps small and gradually increase range of motion only as you are able to keep the abs engaged. INTENSITY: High SUBSCRIBE: ☝️ WORKOUT AT HOME ATTEND A LIVE EVENT: 90 minute experience class 👉 One-day instructor training 👉 BECOME AN INSTRUCTOR: OFFICIAL WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: “ShowStopper” by TobyMac is available for download on all social media platforms including iTunes, Spotify and Google Play. 📩 Join our email list so that you'll be the FIRST to know about new YOUTUBE videos + sales + news + REFIT events in your area: REFIT® believes that finding a positive workout shouldn't be a negative experience. Visit our website to access unlimited streaming workouts, find live events, and learn how you can become a certified instructor.